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droplets on paper

It’s a Saturday.

I am thinking about water droplets on paper, but also the inherent potential of an empty page, a blank slate if you will.

There’s an infinite amount of power and potential that emptiness holds; a newly bought piece of land, a blank journal, an unfurnished apartment, a blank Google doc, or even things like turning over a new leaf.

We fill each of these empties with things; voids yearn to be filled. And apparently, it is on us to fill them up.

I love the process of sufficiently filling up something that’s empty (or is dying), but I can’t now but think about how it’s very important to think about what you’re really filling up that void with.

A water droplet on a piece of paper renders the page unusable for the most part, icky to use at least. This is symbolic of all the things we choose to fill empty spaces with, the difference is that it’s not always obvious if what you’re filling it up with is a water droplet or a beautiful set of words. Experience will tell you that it’s a balance of both, that’s the case for most of us.

I think what I truly despise is wasted time & effort and this realization comes at a time when I’ve realized that I’ve repeatedly been taken for granted simply because of my innate nature to go above & beyond wherever I can.

I, fortunately, or unfortunately, have the blessing to be able to say ‘waste my money but not my time or energy’ - there’s a clear definition of what resource I’m willing to spare.

Empty spaces yearn to be filled, or so we think.

I’ve sadly discovered a major flaw in how I function - I write even on the pages that have been violated by a few stray water droplets. My tolerance level for crap is what got me there. Ironically, I used to be so proud of the fact that I only got angry about once a year.

I now look at that tolerance as an injustice to my self.

Call me twelve but if you wet my paper, I drown your schoolbag.

I hope you enjoyed reading these five pages from my notebook - ironically, some of these pages did actually get wet.

I’m also realising that I think I enjoy writing on paper first and then typing it up