sifStudio: Newsletter Content & Strategy

Build a long-lasting connection with your email list. Give value, it works.

A few details…

    1. Audience Segmentation

    2. Lead Magnet Ideas

    3. Content & Design for a newsletter that you can send out a twice a week.

    4. Newsletter Growth Strategies

    Note: Do keep in mind that you’ll have to invest in an email solution to manage the audience, send the emails, etc. This subscription is only applies to the content & design of the newsletter, not the tech infrastructure.

    1. After subscribing, you will receive an email from us in the next 24-48 hours (excluding Sundays) after we gather enough information about your brand for a rough idea of your potential audience and a few surface-level ideas for a newsletter.

    2. We will schedule a call with you to align on the idea for a newsletter.

    3. Based on the above, content & design will be executed for newsletters in a way that you can send them out twice a week.

  • Unfortunately, we cannot issue refunds since a significant amount of resources is spend on this exercise. However, we’d be more than happy to get on a call and figure out what we can do to better the results.